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Word for the year 2009: BOUNTY

? noun:  generosity evidenced by a willingness to give freely
? noun:  the property of copious abundance
? noun:  something given generously

? adjective:  producing in abundance (“The bountiful earth”)
? adjective:  given or giving freely (“Bountiful compliments”)
? adjective:  ample abundant

As Forrest Gump said, Life is like a box of chocolates...

December is word-of-the-year month on Christine Kane’s blog. Guest bloggers are writing about their experiences with their word for 2008. I thought I’d take the occasion to introduce my word for 2009: BOUNTY.

You can read about the word-of-the-year here.

It’s a kind of cleaner, deeper, intention-oriented twist on New Year’s resolutions. Setting an intention for who we want to BE during the year rather than assigning ourselves a to-do list.

This word came to mind a few months ago while I was setting my intention for Christine’s e-seminar. It felt right then and it feels right now, as the word to accompany me through the coming year. Already it’s helped me to emerge from the constricted place I’d somehow fallen into. Over the last few months, my horizons have expanded. A sense of possibility and strength has opened up in me.

Partly, I just like the sound of this word, BOUNTY, and the fact that it’s not a commonly used word. First, the adjective, “bountiful,” came to me. But I find the noun more powerful as an intention. It serves as a beacon, a guiding light, rather than any kind of admonition or a quality that I’m supposed to develop or adhere to.

“Abundance,” a more common word, doesn’t feel as rich and full to me.

For me, BOUNTY takes abundance in every direction — to having, enjoying, receiving, producing, providing…

There’s the bounty the world provides me and the bounty I offer to others. And there’s simply the bountiful nature of life and being.

Taking this word as my companion for 2009, I intend to expand my appreciation for the riches my life presents every day AND to expand my capacity to give abundantly, with no sense of scarcity or risk of running out. Recognizing the bounty of my life inspires gratitude for everything that has been “given” to me so generously. Making choices from a place of bounty rather than scarcity may bring a new freedom.

I could easily have chosen “clarity” as my word for 2009, because a lack of clarity has characterized my last few years. I’ve faced and am still facing big unanswered questions like “where will I live (and even on which continent)?”, “what will I do (with my life)?” “where is my relationship going?” It seems like every aspect of my life has been called into question and there’s no stable base anywhere on which to prop the other pieces. I’m yearning for clarity.

Still, as I sit with all this uncertainty and indecision, it seems that underlying the whole mess has been a tendency toward black-and-white thinking — this or that, here or there, time running out, time wasted, wrong choices made, doors closed…

I’ve had trouble making decisions. I’ve felt stuck, tentative, like I couldn’t move until some choice was made. There was only one right way and my job was to find or identify it. But I didn’t feel capable.

Somewhere along the way, I realized that I’d created a false problem. Who said I had to choose a or b, to do this or that, to live here or there, to get what I want or feel miserable? BOUNTY helps me to break out of these illusory walls. I have so many riches, so much joy, plenty of possibility. And no matter what choices I make, that abundance remains. I can’t screw it up. I don’t have to be afraid. If one person won’t accept my kindness, there are millions of others to give it to. If one decision leads to trouble, I’ll make another.

In 2008, I began to expand again, to allow, to open up to the possibility of things looking completely different from how I’d planned. And it’s bought me to the place of intending BOUNTY in every sphere for 2009. In the space of abundance, in the space of all that IS rather than the space of either/or, “clarity” as I’ve imagined it may become irrelevant. We’ll see… I look forward to the great bounty of 2009 with my arms and eyes wide open.

Have a bountiful day!

Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • erinfriedman says:

    Leslie —

    I wanted to say “hello” — it’s been MANY years since we’ve been in touch. I am enjoying your blog and reading about your adventures and challenges.

    “Bounty” is, indeed, a lovely word, and a wise choice for for 2009. Looking forward to reading more.

    Congratulations on your amazing accomplishments and best wishes to you —

    Erin Coombs Friedman

  • Hi Leslie,

    I really enjoyed this post about Bounty and I just discovered you on stitchinfingers where an old post of yours about creative space has been renewed.

    When I read on your profile that you have been “stuck” in Milan for a while I had to chuckle. I live in a small Kansas town where I have been “stuck” for nearly a decade and I have to say, Milan sounds pretty fabulous to me! Wanna trade? haha…Ah, the difference perspective makes, eh?

    I think you are right about part of our struggle being about how we think things are supposed to happen. It’s really tough when the vision we had for our lives does not pan out or turns into something completely unexpected…and unwanted. Ever since I’ve been here I’ve felt like I just cannot get where I want to be, that things are moving too slow. The hardest thing sometimes is to be grateful for the life we do have. I’ve always admired people who have that ability to cherish the moment and be happy just to greet the day. So far, that person is not me, but maybe someday. Maybe in 2009… 🙂


  • Leslie says:

    Wow, Erin! How nice to see a name from childhood!

    I glanced at your website and watched your video. Congratulations on creating what looks like a very creative and rewarding life. I had no idea you were a musician. But then we’ve been out of touch for well over 30 years, haven’t we?

    Best wishes for a BOUNTIFUL 2009! Stay in touch.

    And Michelle, thanks for your comment as well. Yes, it is easy to look at someone else’s life and think their circumstances would be better. But the experience is always different from what we imagine, isn’t it? In the end, it’s all experience… and though it often doesn’t seem like it and though we usually don’t consciously exercise it, we actually have a lot of choice about how we experience things. Wishing you (and me) happy choices for 2009!

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