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Journey-in-India Slide Show

Please enjoy this selection of images from the

2013 Threads of Awakening Journey in India…


(If you can’t see the slide show, click here to view the album at PicasaWeb. Click the “slideshow” button at the upper left to play the show there.)

And though we traveled in Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh rather than Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, this poem by Cris Garlington captures the Every-Sense-Opened experience of travel in India. I share it with you in gratitude — for Cris Garlington’s generosity and for the “joys, sorrow and flowering of life.” It touches my heart. And I think it might touch yours too… especially if you’ve been to India.


India Awakens the Senses

The sights and sounds of the subcontinent are like no other:
the rush of motorcycles, trucks, cars, three-wheeled rickshaws and buses racing through the streets;
roadside trash, rubble and piles of burning rubbish;
wandering cows, goats and street dogs,
masses of humanity;
ornate temples;
saris in shades of lavender, hot pink, lime green and tangerine;
lush vegetation with a million palm trees clustered throughout Karnataka and Tamil Nadu;
houses painted mustard yellow, sapphire and chartreuse;
the constant roadway honking;
street dogs barking from midnight to 6 am;
the loud, animated chattering of Hindi mixed with intermittent English;
train whistles,
the high pitched singers of popular songs,
the gentle mooing of cows and cooing of pigeons,
and chanted calls to faithful Muslims from minarets.

You can smell, taste and touch the uniqueness of the country:
the stench of garbage, feces and urine on the roadside from cows, goats and men;
diesel fumes from countless vehicles;
the aroma of fresh chapatis,
fragrant plants blossoming in botanical gardens,
spices that prickle the taste buds,
sweet juice from foreign fruits;
microbes that tighten your stomach and loosen your bowels;
the warmth of your palms uniting in a namaste,
the expanding of your heart with your connection to new friends.

Our consciousness grows as we experience:
our false sense of permanence,
our aversion to change and
our fear of the unknown.
We awaken to our wonder of the variety of the natural world,
our sense of oneness with all of humanity
and our gratitude for the joys, sorrows and flowering of life.

Cris Garlington
November 2011

Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Richard LaChasse says:

    Welcome back home Leslie. Just can’t get your
    slide show to work on my I-pad ? I don’t know
    why. I really want to see you’re beautiful trip. As
    I’m sure it was. I’m getting no images!

  • Cris Garlington says:

    You are quite the photographer, Leslie. Your vivid photos brought back many warm memories. I am honored that you included my poem. Thank you for opening the hearts of others to the wonders of India.

  • LeslieRW says:

    Thank you for the poem, Cris! It touched my heart and so clearly conveyed the sensory experience of India, along with the gratitude I feel — not so much for having more comforts (though of course that too) but especially for “the joys, sorrow, and flowering of life.” Thank you for your words.

    And the photos are not all mine. They reflect the collective vision of our group. Several participants contributed photos to accompany my own.

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