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Intercultural Artist Interviews

I have a new project in the works, to expand the conversation here.


a series of interviews with artists who work
in cultural traditions other than their own

I’ll start with western artists working in Tibetan traditions, because that’s what I know best. And eventually, I hope to expand to other cross-cultural examples. Would you like to participate? Or do you know someone making art with roots in a culture other than their own? Through these interviews, we’ll open up questions of art and craft, culture and conditioning, preservation and growth. The opportunities are rich for sharing our ideas and our art. I can’t wait!

Here’s my preliminary list of interview questions:

1. What drew you to this “foreign” culture? Is what initially attracted you different from what keeps you connected now?

2. When and how did your involvement begin?

3. Describe your experience of being trained in traditional art.

4. Were you working in another art medium or theme previously? And did you have any previous formal education in art?

5. How does the artistic philosophy and education in the adopted culture differ from your own?

6. Do you consider yourself an artist or a craftsperson (or both or neither)? Is there a difference?

7. How have you modified tradition in the work you produce?

a. Do you feel an obligation or responsibility to maintain some kind of purity in the tradition?

b. Have you adapted traditional techniques? Blended them with other traditions or contemporary trends?

c. What is the role of change and evolution in traditional arts?

8. How do you think your experience as a traditional artist is different from that of other artists?

9. How do you think your experience as someone from outside the culture is different from that of traditional artists coming from within the culture?

10. Is there anything you’d like to add?

Email me or leave a comment below if you are (or if you know) an intercultural artist who would like to be interviewed. Join the conversation!

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